6 The `drp.log' file

Contents of this section

Some DRP commands will print results from calculations not only to the screen, but also to a file called drp.log in your current directory. This file may later be used to produce contour plots, to generate AIPS compatible data maps or cubes (see section AIPS ) or may simply be read in to a spreadsheet program for further analysis. You may have to rename or delete this file, if you want to keep the results of different calculations apart.

The commands currently writing to drp.log are area , gauss and moment . The lines of output in drp.log will have the format:

COMMAND  nnnn   offx  offy  result1  result2 ...
where COMMAND is the name of the command in upper case which produced the line (i.e. AREA, GAUSS or MOMENT), followed by a 4-digit scan number, the offset in x (longitude) and y (latitude) in arcmin and finally columns of results, the number of which is dependent on the particular command. All columns are `tab' seperated for easy import into PC or Macintosh based spreadsheet programs.

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